FAQ : Camping

No Camping is permitted in the venue’s car park’s for the 2025 Australian Sprintcar Championship Jan 31 Feb 1 2025 

FAQ: Tickets Sales

General public tickets will go on sale August 15th, 2024 online via www.speedwaytickets.com.au; MB Sporting Car Club Members will be able to pre purchase tickets from August 1st, 2024

FAQ: How To Purchase Tickets

Tickets can be purchased online at www.speedwaytickets.com.au – Tickets can be purchased at the gate – Reserved seating is booked online at www.speedwaytickets.com.au – Club Room and Deck Viewing to be booked online at www.speedwaytickets.com.au 

FAQ: What is classified as a valid concession ?

 Concession Tickets are not available online – Concession tickets can be brought at the gate – A Valid concession is outlined on the service Australia website – https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/concession-and-health-care-cards?context=60091

FAQ: Can i bring food/drinks into the venue ?

Food can be brought into the venue as long as it is not commercial eg: KFC – McDonalds – Hungry Jacks; food prepared at home is allowed into the venue. NO BYO ALOCOHOL OR GLASS POLICY no glass or alcohol items are allowed into the venue, security checks upon entry.

FAQ: Can I Smoke / Vape at the event ?

Murray Bridge Speedway is a Smoke / Vape  FREE VENUE – Smoking is permitted outside the venue and at least 10 meter’s from all gate entry’s.


FAQ: Disabled Access

Disabled Parking is available next to the main gate entry, Disabled Toilets are available down at the office (See office staff for directions)

FAQ: Corporate Box

Register your interest here:  https://forms.gle/R3HijoLxddHy2u8q9     Limited Numbers available